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Core Services

What makes up our core service offerings can be found offered by any respected accountant. What makes us different is our breadth of knowledge and our personalized approach to each of our clients. Read more on how we are different from other accountants.


These are activities that businesses are required to undertake as part of their legal obligations:

Revewing Graphs

Financial Reports

It is a legal requirement by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) for you to maintain annual sets of financial reports if you are operating a business in New Zealand. Now, many people think they can create their own financial reports because they know a bit about accounting. Why let us do your reports?


Well, first of all, IRD are not the only people that might be seeing the reports. Banks, financial institutions, investors and potential buyers will all be interested at one point or another. Most importantly, you should be the primary user of the reports.


We can explain in non-accounting terms what each section of a financial report means to you and your business so that you can make the right decisions based on facts and good information. Our reports have made the difference in securing lending for additional funds due to their professional design and validity. The construct of our reports even prevented the occasional audit.


Income statements (also known as statement of financial performance) and balance sheets (statement of financial position) are just some of the financial reports that act like a report card for you and your business performance. Therefore it is important that you can read and understand them. Most importantly, they must be fit for the purpose they were created for. Let us show you the difference.

Taxation Returns

"Today, it takes more brains and effort to make out the income-tax form than it does to make the income." ~Alfred E. Neuman


It is funny how new tax law affects just enough voters to win the next election. However, all this means is a more complicated tax system over time. It is a statutory requirement to pay our taxes however there is no law to say you have to leave a tip. Sleep easier when you let us handle the tax matters for you.


Our accountants keep on top of taxation changes so that benefits are passed to you immediately and we can show you ways so you don't pay more tax than you really have to. This is only possible by the depth of knowledge and the experience carried by our qualified accountants. This will in turn reduce your audit risk, leave you with more money and let you focus on what is important.

Tax Income Reports
Businesswoman on Phone

Business Set up

There are many decisions to be made when starting out, such as: formulating a business plan, business structure, financing, tax implications and liability protection. A business can be the most profitable financial vehicle you own and you don't have to start from scratch, you can buy an existing business, buy a franchise and multi-level marketing.


Good decisions need good information, and this is where experienced Chartered Accountants can help you, along with your lawyer and banker. Be sure to visit us first as we have your financial interests at heart.

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